Erase the Stigma Youth

Providing educational and interactive presentations for children and youth with the goal of breaking down stigma surrounding mental health and providing tools to develop healthy coping skills on topics such as bullying, self-esteem, stress, depression and anxiety, and other mental health related topics.

Teachers, school counselors, social workers, school personnel and others who work with children and youth are encouraged to utilize these curricula to educate their students

6-12th Grade Topics

K-5th Grade Topics

Erase the Stigma / I.C Hope MicrosoftTeams image 3


The Ambassador for mental health is a puppet used in every presentation to talk about these issues in a non-threatening, approachable method. By introducing the topic of mental health in a way that is not overwhelming or scary, children and youth become aware that we ALL must protect our mental health. Why? Mental health protects our emotional, psychological and social well-being. Most importantly, just like we want strong and healthy bodies; we also want a good mental health report from our doctors saying that we have strong and healthy brains too! Therefore, it is the goal of MHA to educate children about mental health and help them determine the best way to handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. One of the goals of the Erase the Stigma program is to reduce the stigma of mental illness, which is one of the main obstacles to treatment.

MHA’s “Don’t Duck Mental Health”

Campaign serves to dispel the negative images associated with mental illness. The friendly face of the duck with its healing bandage promises to show that mental illness is not shameful or unusual, nor is it shameful to help those in need. The life preserver symbolizes that every life is worth saving. I.C. HOPE® takes the form of a six-foot character trained in mental health messages coupled with age-appropriate curricula. Listen to I.C. HOPE®, the Ambassador of Mental Wellness, read a story to children, work with classmates to complete an activity, or make your own I.C. HOPE® puppet to take home and share with friends and family.
Erase the Stigma / I.C Hope MHAs Dont Duck Mental Health