Our Team

Meet the team of dedicated professionals serving Middle and West Tennessee.

Meet the Team Amber Hapmton
Amber Hampton, LCSW
Executive Director
Meet the Team Joanne Perley
Joanne Perley, MPH
Director of Data & Development
Meet the Team Lora Devine
Lora Devine
Director of Finance
Meet the Team NovaMoss
Nova Moss, M.S.
Continuing Education & Content Director
Meet the Team Camille Carter
Camile Carter, M.Ed.
Multicultural Outreach Regional Supervisor
Meet the Team Zakeria Clark 1
Zakeria Clark, M.S.
Erasing the Stigma Youth Program Supervisor
Meet the Team Nitzia Day 1
Nitzia Day, M.A.
Family Support Coordinator
Meet the Team Katherine Garcia Parra BSW
Katherine Garcia-Parra, BSW
Family Support Coordinator
Meet the Team PaolaGosselin 1
Paola Gosselin
Family Support Coordinator
Meet the Team Dinorath Guzman
Dinorath Guzman-Cruz, BSW
Family Support Coordinator
Meet the Team Fiona Hoehn 1
Fiona Hoehn, MPH
Mental Health Training Coordinator
Meet the Team Alleah Lay
Alleah Lay
Zero Suicide Coordinator West Tennessee
Meet the Team Natalie Looney 1
Natalie Looney
Erasing the Stigma Youth Program Coordinator
Meet the Team Harper Grace Niedermeyer
Harper-Grace Niedermeyer, LMSW
Zero Suicide Director
Meet the Team Denisse Ramirez 1
Denisse Ramirez, BSW
Family Support Specialist
Meet the Team Sarah Thomas 1
Sarah Thomas, LMSW
Zero Suicide Coordinator East Tennessee
Meet the Team Sarah Weyhmuller 1
Sarah Weyhmuller, MPH
Marketing & Media Manager
Meet the Team Lynn Wood 1
Lynn Wood
Certified Dementia Specialist Caregiver Support Coordinator