Caregiver Support

Helping caregivers navigate the journey of memory loss. You care for them, let us care for you.

For Caregivers

Caregiver Conversations

We provide families with a free, personalized one-on-one session with a Certified Dementia Specialist. This session is tailored to help the family learn how to care for a loved one living with Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia. Clients receive free caregiving strategies, referrals to community resources, and much more! Please contact Lynn Wood, Caregiver Support Coordinator, at for more information.

Support Groups

Support groups are available in several counties across Middle Tennessee. Click below for a current listing of support groups. Please contact Lynn Wood, Caregiver Support Coordinator, if you need more information.

Online Learning

We understand your schedule may be tight as a caregiver. Check out our online learning platform for virtual training, anytime, anywhere!
“I don’t feel so alone anymore. I can’t change what is happening but for the first time, I feel like I have control back.”

– anonymous caregiver

Caregiver Support Caregiver conversation

For Professional Caregivers

Caregiver Support Proffesionals Mental Health America 1
We provide educational opportunities for social workers, assisted living administrators, therapists, and other related fields. We offer both on-site professional training and continuing education opportunities throughout the year. Check out our continuing education page for upcoming conferences or visit our online learning platform to browse self paced recorded trainings.